You know how to train, but now you can

Know when to train

Next Generation Fitness

This is personalised fitness, but not as you know it. We can tell you when to train for maximal gains. Achieve your peak performance.

Descriptive image of our test kit packaging

What is Genletics?

Genletics is a revolutionary genetic fitness test that determines the time of day when you are at your metabolic peak®.

Decorative image of hands of a laboratory technician processing samples with a syringe

What we do

We harness the power of your genetics to give you the physiological and mental competitive edge.

We measure the molecular level of your circadian rhythm and tell you the peak time of day to train.

Whats the benefit?

At Peak
6% increased gains


Off Peak
7 times greater strain

Data shown for swimmers and subject to change with research

Order your kit

Receive our test kit through your letterbox

Stylised image of a delivery truck
Stylised image of DNA in a circle

Sample to laboratory

Return your samples freepost to our laboratory for analysis

Stylised image of a bar graph

Your data is sent back to you

Your results will be reported back to you with follow up personalisation of your experience.

Stylised image of muscular arms with dumbell

Sample analysis

We measure key biological markers to determine your peak time to train

Smart tablet with data output

Who we've worked with

Ospreys Rugby

SW7 Academy

Cardiff City FC

"If you know when you’re going to be at your best, why train at any other time?”

Professional hammer throw coach

"This is a game changer, a physical and psychological edge”

Competitive strongman

“Genletics fits nicely with what we offer our clients to “train like a professional” and would suit people looking to gain an edge”

International rugby captain and fitness CEO.

“I'm looking to change my strength training times to match my peak time”

Elite Rugby player.

"Testing is fool proof, the players see the value in doing the tests. It's already given me changes to integrate into our training" 

Rugby Union, Performance Director